Sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and stops will be decontaminated

This is the aftermath of the introduction of the yellow zone of the coronavirus epidemic in Krakow. Decontamination of public areas with high pedestrian traffic throughout the city is expected to prevent the spread of Sars-Cov-2.

Back to square one…

Public transport stops, sidewalks, bus loops, larger interchange points, underground passages and footbridges, containers for selective waste collection, pharmacy surroundings with entrances, street litter bins – in these places, MPO Krakow started cleaning the city space from Monday, August 30 with the help of disinfectant. Street baskets, handrails of various types and benches are also disinfected.

Fighting the good fight!

The effectiveness of the decontamination of the city in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus is confirmed by scientists from the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University. They have conducted, in March, an analysis of urban space contamination with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The test samples were taken from ATMs and ticket machines located at bus stops. Locations tested: All Saints, Mogilskie roundabout, Bagatela Theater, Nowy Kleparz, Mały Płaszów loop, or shopping malls.

It turned out then that over 40 % of the samples contained the genetic material of the virus. “The highest percentage of positive results was observed on the first day of the project. The material was collected and accumulated on the surfaces for several days” – says Paweł Łabaj, co-author of the study.


MPK also disinfects the public transport vehicles!

The disinfection and ozonation of buses and trams of the City Transport in Krakow is also carried out without changes. Virologists also remind you to disinfect your own hands and avoid touching your face.

Read the full article in Polish language here.

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