St. Mary's Church - Krakow

Check what words are characteristic of our beloved city of Krakow.

If you are not from Krakow or have not lived here for at least a few years, your chances are slim that you will understand them. Read/see for yourself!

  1. Szaflik = «a round vessel, usually wooden, with one or two handles, formerly used on a farm»
  2. Szpeje = «lumber, stuff, trinkets»
  3. Cwibak = «double-baked sponge cake, layered with dried fruit »
  4. Sagan = «kettle or large iron or copper pot»
  5. Jarzyna = either an «edible part of a vegetable plant» or «dish made from these plants»
  6. Borówka = blueberries… «a plant with winter-hardy leaves and berry red fruits; also: the fruit of this plant »
  7. Na pole = outside… just like the people of Warsaw say “na dwór
  8. Strugaczka =sharpner… «colloquially: a tool for sharpening pencils and crayons; sharpener, sharpener, sharpener, fingerboard, zastrugaczka, sharpener, planer »
  9. Flizy = «tiles for wall and floor covering» 
  10. Obwarzanek = «a round product made of dough which is parboiled before baking. NOT A PRETZEL! »
charriots posted on street near brown concrete building
Photo by Giota Sakellariou on

The article in Polish, in Gazeta Krakowska.

Yours truly,

The Twisted Red LadyBug
