anti-discrimination trainings for directors of Krakow schools

In October, a series of anti-discrimination trainings for directors of Krakow schools will begin. Thanks to them, they will acquire competencies that help to notice possible manifestations of discrimination in the schools they manage and learn how to properly respond to them. Recruitment for training already started.

Training organized by the City of Krakow

The trainings organized by the city will be attended by the directors of all self-government kindergartens, schools, and institutions, i.e. over 300 people. The meetings will take place in the form of workshops, and their topics will relate to various forms of discrimination that students may encounter not only in the school space but also outside it. Therefore, among the topics discussed during the meetings, there will be those related to financial status, gender, gender identity, or religion. But these are just some of them.

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Photo by Daniel Reche on

“Classes will be conducted in the form of interactive workshops, during which directors will analyze individual cases and look for solutions to prevent them in reality. The training will also allow for the exchange of experiences and good practices with directors from other institutions. People managing Krakow schools will also be able to take part in individual consultations conducted by an anti-discrimination trainer and discuss specific cases from their own institutions” – says Ewa Całus, director of the Education Department of the Krakow City Hall.

Supposed to happen in the spring

He adds that the trainings were to take place in the spring, but due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, they were postponed to the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year.

October training will be conducted by Dominika Cieślikowska, an experienced anti-discrimination trainer for several years, conducting classes for various groups of recipients, including teachers and school principals.

The article, in Polish language, in Gazeta Krakowska.

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