Bar Mleczny - Milk Bar

There is an action in the network to support milk bars in Nowa Huta, which during the pandemic, like other eateries, are in crisis. “They fed us in the times before the pandemic. We saved them when the government tried to withdraw the subsidies. Now, another attempt” – writes Grzegorz Ziemiański, the initiator of the campaign on the Facebook newsgroup Nowohucianie. Check where you can order food in this article, just below!

Main customers are away and Bar Mleczny has no clients…

“Employees work remotely, students do not know when they will return to universities, older people prefer to stay at home, and these are the main customers of Nowa Huta milk bars. Milk bars are financed by our taxes, we earn less, so subsidies for milk bars will most likely be smaller” – says an employee of one of the milk bars in Nowa Huta.

He adds that only we, as clients, can help bars in Nowa Huta in this difficult period in a very simple way – by using their services. When ordering meals, we will keep the most remembered symbol of the communist era.

Bar Mleczny (Milk Bar) in Warsaw
Bar Mleczny (Milk Bar) in Warsaw

Nowa Huta – Home delivery orders

  • “NORTHERN” bar TEL. 12 644 40 87 Os.Teatralne 11
  • Bar “BIEŃCZYCE” TEL. 12 648 15 10 Os. Kazimierzowskie 22
  • “CENTRALNY” bar TEL. 12 644 14 95 Os. Centrum C1
  • “SCHOOL” bar TEL. 12 644 34 02 Os. Na Skarpie 24

Food delivery is possible from Monday to Friday. Up to 5 km is free, each subsequent km is 1 zloty. The minimum order value is 25 zlotych.

The article in Polish language can be found here, on Gazeta Krakowska site.

Stay safe! Buy local! Support the local economy! And… try and be merry, as Christmas is just around the corner 🙂

The Twisted Red LadyBug
