Auschwitz I - Oswiecim - Poland

The International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is celebrated every year on the 22nd of August. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has these freedoms enshrined in articles 18, 19 and 20. Upholding these rights, however, is still hard nowadays. That is why the General Assembly decided (back in 2019) that each year, on the 22nd of August, we commemorate this day. It is noted that this day comes right after the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism – 21st August.

Even now, as you read this, people are labelled as security threats based on their religion/belief system. Some people live daily in fear because of that. Religious stigmatization is real, even now, after years where we have seen what it can do – eg. World War 2 (Death Camps).

We still believe that one religion should/set of beliefs should have supremacy over another. We still fight because one person is catholic or another is orthodox – even though we believe in the same God, same Trinity and we read the same texts in the Bible…

Saint Peter and Paul's Church on Grodzka, Krakow, Poland
Saint Peter and Paul’s Church on Grodzka, Krakow, Poland

What YOU can do to make the world better?

  1. Talk about this day > make your family, friends, and teammates know about it. Share the resources you find over social media. Share the knowledge!
  2. Don’t be afraid to stand up > not taking action or not speaking about it only makes things worse. If you see injustice, report it. Help the person in need!
  3. Educate yourself continuously > fact checks, reading information from different resources gives you a broader view.


A Group of Friends of Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief was constituted at the UN General Assembly forum. The Group of Friends is composed of 30 member states and the European Union as an observer. Poland as an initiator chairs the works of the Group.

Yours truly,

The Twisted Red LadyBug
