Secret Thoughts of An Expat - Poland and Romania

There are some things, throughout time, living as an expat in Poland. I have many friends in the Romanian community here in Krakow, but also in Poland in general. Meeting other people, of other nationalities, living in Poland also broadened up my experience. I always wondered what are the things that do point out that we are Romanian, without even saying that out. Thus, this list was compiled. Do check it out! And I would love to know if you agree on all the points – or if you have an item of your own that you would add out!

I am Romanian because…

  1. I know what “mici” are and I love them. Add some beer and life is perfect!
  2. Coming back from grandma/home/The Motherland with a full bag of goodies.
  3. Bread. Everyday! Every single meal, if possible! (Polish people have potatoes, we have bread!)
  4. “Mamaliga” – kinda similar to the Italian “polenta”. It can subsitute the bread… or you can have both! 😉
  5. Dairy products… Cheese! – this one of the very first things I have missed, since moving to Poland. Poland does not have a culture of Cheese… of dairy products… we have so many types and so many flavours… heavenly! Poland has nothing that would even slightly resemble to “cas”, “cascaval”, “urda” or “telemea”.
  6. Pork is the best vegetable 😉 – kidding aside, we do take our pork seriously. Romanian people have developed hundreds and hundreds of dishes made from pork meat. If Polish people have as main dish at Christmas fish, we have pork products.
  7. We speak (AT LEAST!) 2 languages – Romanian, English is a must but because Romanian is a latin language we are very good with understanding (and even speaking) similar languages: Italian, Spanish, French and even Portuguese.
  8. We do love to talk loud – Italian style loud ;)))) – and we enjoy being right! Scratch that: we are always right!
  9. Summer spritz done with wine and sparkiling water (Soda) – early memories of my childhood…
  10. Calling a Romanian person a Gypsy: WE WILL KILL YOU!

Do YOU agree with all the above? I would love to hear your take on this 🙂

My very best regards,

The Twisted Red LadyBug
