photo of brown bare tree on brown surface during daytime

“Check your e-mail in the next few days. Perhaps you live in one of the randomly selected 20,000 households in Krakow, to which an invitation to participate in the Krakow Climate Panel was sent,” inform city officials.

Invites were sent – stay tuned & check your emails!

On March 17, letters to the inhabitants were sent. Receiving an invitation is an opportunity to contribute to the panel and represent all Krakow residents. Registration of panelists lasts until March 26. The Krakow Climate Panel will start soon – the first citizens’ panel in Krakow. The panel is a way of making important decisions by a randomly selected group of residents, whose role is to resolve a given matter taking into account the common good.

The first citizens’ panel in Krakow is devoted to climate change and the city’s climate neutrality. Its aim is to find an answer to the question: “How can the City of Krakow and its residents reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy?”

How does this work? Who gets invited?

Shipping 20 thousand invitations is the first stage of selecting panelists. From among the registered people, a group of 60 will be selected, together with a 10-person reserve group. The drawn people will constitute a representative group for the entire city in terms of socio-demographic and spatial characteristics (gender, age group, residential district, level of education).

When will the meetings take place?

Planned dates of meetings of the Krakow Climate Panel:

  • April 10 – inaugural and educational meeting
  • April 17 – educational meeting
  • April 24 – educational meeting
  • May 15 – deliberation meeting
  • May 29 – deliberation meeting
  • June 12 – voting and closing meeting.

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE PANEL (be careful, the link is to an article in Polish language)

As officials assure, “participation in the Krakow Climate Panel is not only a unique adventure but also an opportunity to have a real impact on the city’s activities. the city and will be implemented”. However, we already had a lot of social consultations in the city, and the implementation of the residents’ demands was different. We’ll see how it will be this time.

Looking forward to reading more news about this action 🙂

How about you? What do you think?


The Twisted Red LadyBug
