ampoule and syringe near tablets on red surface

So… I wanted to share a story from today with you…

A Romanian-Polish (double-citizenship) lady enters a local shop (to help the local economy and the small enterprises VS going to big chains like Kaufland, Auchan, Carrefour, or others). She sits in a queue nicely, with her selected products: green onion tails (PL: “szczypiorek”) and some radish (PL: “rzodkiewka”). There are 2 ladies in front. One goes out fast but the 2nd one has many things to buy and she seems an older client as the ladies are familiar with each other. The lady that sells the products asks he where she has been in the last month or so as she did not see her for a very long while. To which the buyer replies that she has been off because her child could not walk a week after she went to give him the COVID shots.

COVID Shots for Polish children between the ages of 5 and 11

On December 16, 2021, the Polish Government opened the vaccine shots availability for children between 5 and 11 years old. Each child, before the immunization, is supposed to undergo a qualifying examination carried out by a doctor.

Some statistics

COVID 19 Deaths by Age Group (for the USA) between January 1st, 2020 and October 16th, 2021 show that 1.7% of all deaths among US children aged 5 to 11 was due to COVID.

Also, the leading causes of death (same age group) place COVID 19 deaths below the number of deaths from influenza and pneumonia.

It is true that outbreak investigations have demonstrated efficient transmission among children and adults, however, having the shots taken does not mean you won’t get COVID 19! It may mean you will get a milder version and the risk of transmission to others is lower (again, this does not mean you are not a carrier!).

Back to the story…

Now coming back to the story.. the lady said her son was stuck to the bed for over a week after taking his first COVID shots. Doctors said it was muscle inflammation and after checking him they also discovered that he had that reaction because he was COVID 19 infected. Now… it baffles me how come the doctor that checked before did not realize that or do a COVID test before the shot. It also baffles me how people choose to act for the benefit of their children yet end up doing harm.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-vaccine and I do not believe that children’s vaccines provoke diseases like autism. My child has taken the vaccines prescribed by the officials but never extra ones. And I will not start now. It is one thing to vaccinate myself, but another to “test” that on my child. I know, you will say these vaccines have been tested, but we really don’t know the long-term effects, don’t we? And we won’t know them for many more years to come. Should I feel comfortable in my daughter taking a vaccine that will not stop her from having the disease, will not stop the disease from spreading, yet it has one of the possible outcomes written down as DEATH?!

I don’t know about you, but I surely do not!

Influenza vaccines have been around for centuries and they are always changing. I know people that take them every year but they still get sick. There is always another variant, there are always changes and we try to catch up but we never can. For me, the COVID vaccine is like an Influenza vaccine… a vaccine that will not catch up.

I know this is a choice each takes, but I just felt the need to say this one out loud. If it is not helping you more than it is hurting you, what is the point?

Yours sincerly,

The Twisted Red LadyBug
