
During the latest conference, Prime Minister Morawiecki, announced new rules regarding restrictions in connection with the Coronavirus pandemic. Shops will be open! :O

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Shops may open up!

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced new rules for fighting the coronavirus. From next Saturday, November 28, all shops and shopping malls will be open, but they are to operate in the highest sanitary regime. If this is not the case, the stores will be closed. Restaurants, gyms, fitness clubs, and cultural centers will remain closed until December 27. Until the holidays, there will be distance learning for all students.

People are losing their jobs!

From next Saturday, retail outlets will be able to operate in the highest sanitary regime. We met with the trade industry, they promised us that they would take care to keep the number of people in the shops as low as possible, announced Prime Minister Morawiecki.

We were persuaded by other industries, gastronomy, gyms, and cultural industries to open them. However, we are following the advice of our epidemiologists and will keep them closed until December 27. Before Christmas we will inform you what to do next, added the head of government.

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Discipline, discipline, discipline!

As Mateusz Morawiecki pointed out, it is important to save hundreds of thousands and millions of jobs in the future, but also to keep the increase in infections in check, as in the last 10 days. There is one condition: discipline of every store, furniture store, shopping mall. We will control them and, if there is no sanitary discipline, we will close stores, said the Prime Minister.

Distance learning in schools will also apply until holidays. However, in the new year, from January 4, winter holidays will begin for all provinces at the same time. They will last two weeks.

Human tragedies unfolding…

Under every information about death, there is a human tragedy, we experience it in many Polish families. That is why we increase the number of beds and respirators every day. We have over 37,000 beds, of which 40 % is free and waiting for patients, although we want them to remain free. For this, we have 3 thousand ventilators, several hundred of which are waiting for patients, said Prime Minister Morawiecki.

As the head of government pointed out, the situation with the coronavirus is still not good. The 7-day rolling series of infections is over 22,000 cases per day. I am concerned about the daily number of deaths, directly and indirectly, due to the Coronavirus. We must remember that the virus takes the death toll that it sowed 3-4 weeks ago. We will see an improvement only in some time – he added.

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Prime Minister admits mistakes were made…

The prime minister then admitted that mistakes had been made regarding the coronavirus. Many of our predictions and analyzes were wrong. Two days ago there was the European Council, I heard the opinions of prime ministers and presidents and I know that the mood is similar in many EU countries. We have to demand more from ourselves because the situation is difficult. Coronavirus is a force of nature that cannot be fully controlled. In the fight against it, we lose as often as we achieve any achievements – he emphasized.

100 days of solidarity – Coronavirus vaccine at the end

All Poles have weapons to fight the coronavirus: it is discipline, solidarity, and compliance with sanitary rules. We are facing a period of 100 days of solidarity. By the end of this period, it is likely that a coronavirus vaccine will be available. Even, if not for everyone, a large proportion of those vaccinated will break the chain of infections, said Mateusz Morawiecki

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School Holidays

The prime minister, announcing that school holidays will last from 4 to 17 January, added that they are cumulated for all voivodeships so that possible tourist traffic is as small as possible. Mateusz Morawiecki, however, appealed not to travel, especially abroad, to break the chain of infections and to minimize mobility. Let whole families stay at home. There is a chance that the first vaccines will appear around January 17 – he added.

Various scenarios to fight the pandemic

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced that the government puts predictability and transparency. The point is not to surprise and show a longer perspective, that the plans are predictable and communicative. We have presented clear rules. They will appear in the form of a draft regulation even today. In addition, there will be a whole package of regulations – announced Niedzielski.

The minister of health also presented potential scenarios for fighting the epidemic. If we approach the disease below 19 thousand per day, that’s when the red zone rules will apply. The number of cases below 10,000 is the yellow zone, and below 4,000 are the rules for the green zone. However, there may be a negative scenario, i.e. an acceleration of the pandemic, and we also predict such a scenario, i.e. a national quarantine, if the daily number of cases starts to exceed 27,000. – warned Niedzielski.

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Restrictions introduced by Prime Minister Morawiecki in early November

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki informed at the beginning of the month that November would be “one of the most difficult moments during the pandemic”The pandemic is growing and our response must be decisive – said the head of government. Further restrictions are very much needed, we are protecting people and health care from the consequences of the pandemic – he added.

The restrictions introduced at the beginning of November include:

  • distance learning also for grades 1-3, an extension of distance learning until the end of November
  • closed all cultural institutions – museums, cinemas, theaters, galleries, etc.
  • hotel facilities will be available only to guests on business trips
  • trade – in smaller shops up to 100 sq m. 1 person per 10 sq m will be able to stay, and in stores of 100 sq m 1 person / 15 sqm remains 
  • Shops in shopping malls will be closed, except for groceries, pharmacies, drugstores, and services.

In addition, there was a last-minute closure of furniture stores. However, from October, among others, swimming pools, fitness clubs and gyms. However, these institutions often circumvented the regulations and invited people to use their services in preparation for sports competitions.

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National Quarantine?!

The next step is a national quarantine and a complete lockdown to stop the worst, that is, the crack in the health service.

Prime Minister Morawiecki, announcing the November restrictions.

The prime minister announced that if new cases of the coronavirus affect more than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a severe safety brake will be applied, and if 75 cases out of 100,000 are exceeded, it will be necessary to implement a national quarantine.

If the number of new infections is less than 50 but greater than 25, it is possible to return to the red zones. Below 25, it is possible to return to the yellow zone – added Mateusz Morawiecki. The head of government admitted that he would like to say that the worst is behind us, “but it would be premature”. It is likely that after these new safety rules if we strictly follow them, the situation will improve – says Mateusz Morawiecki. The prime minister also appealed to people protesting in the framework of the “Women’s Strike” to move the protest to the Internet, where it will not increase the epidemic threat.

The original article, in the Polish language, from Gazeta Krakowska, can be found here.

Stay safe!

The Twisted Red LadyBug
